Nina Lee's Music Studio
Specializing in Harp, Piano, & Violin lessons, repair, and sales
   Home      Harp Recordings
CD recordings of old hymns & Christmas music for Lever and Pedal Harp
Beautiful Harp Cd's by Northern Michigan Harpist Christina Woodgate (aka Nina)
(sheet music of most songs are available)

  Divine Intervention ~ 2012 Release

 "Divine Intervention" features the Venus Classic Pedal Harp and Downstate Strings performing old hymns arranged by local musician, Nina Marshall
1. Draw Me Nearer (hrp/voice) 
2. Holy, Holy, Holy 
3. I stand Amazed (hrp/strings) 
4. Just As I Am (hrp solo)
5. God Himself is with Us (hrp/cllo) 
6. This Is My Father's World (hrp/voice) 
7. Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
8. Christian Hearts in Love (hrp/strings) 
9. Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus (hrp solo) 
10. Amazing Grace (hrp/voice)
Track #9, Stand Up for Jesus, is particularly interesting due to a special effect. The unique sound is created by weaving wax paper through the bass wire strings of the harp. Each time a wire string is played it creates an exclusive buzzing effect. It was a challenging piece to record due to the characteristic differences in ringing and tone. We strived to strike the perfect balance between special effect and musicality. I believe you will enjoy the finished product! 

For The King (2004 release)

Released in 2004 as Christina's first CD! Old hymns arranged for harp, harp/cello & harp/voice!
1. I Must Tell Jesus
2. In The Garden
3. What A Friend We have In Jesus
4. Hymne-by Vangelis, used by permission (harp/cello)
5. Face To Face
6. At The Cross
7. Tis so Sweet
8. In The Morning (harp/voice)
9. Jesus Loves Me
10. Abide With Me
11. Victory In Jesus
12. Near the Cross
13. For The Beauty (harp/cello)
14. Angels We have Heard on High
~Sorry~     ~SOLD OUT~

Contact me to purchase these CDs!
Christmas Blessing (2006 release)


Released in 2006. Nina, harpist/vocalist is performing on her handmade lever harps. Harpist Alice Spero Keene, is also performing on three songs for the harp duets. Sarah is the cellist on three songs and Meghan Benson is playing glock on Carol of the Bells. A superb Christmas recording!


1. Away In A Manger, harp & voice
2. Joy To The world, solo harp
3. Gesu Bambino, harp & cello
4. O Holy Night, Harp & voice
5. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, harp duet
6. Carol of the Bells, harp duet & glockenspiel
7. Interlude, from Ceremony of Carols, by Britten
     used by permission,
8. The First Noel, harp, voice & cello
9. Angels From The Realms of Glory, harp solo
10. Silent Night, harp & voice
11. Little Drummer Boy, Davis/Simeone/Onorati,
      used by permission
12. Ave Maria, Harp & violin
13. What Child is This? Harp & cello
14. O come, O Come Emmanuel, harp duet
15. I Wonder as I Wander, harp & voice

You need a harp CD because:
Perfect for relaxing after a stressful day
Beautiful background for small gatherings
Creates a peaceful environment for you

Awesome Birthday gift
Makes a great baby shower gift
Wonderful Christmas gift

Psalms 33:2-3 (KJV) praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings. Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.

Nina Lee's Music Studio
Christina (Nina) Marshall
435 E 8 Mile
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783


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